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Carolina Reaper Rum & Peach Hot sauce

100 g

Carolina Reaper Rum & Peach Hot sauce

100 g

Carolina Reaper Rum & Peach hot sauce on the occasion of Chilli Fest 24 of Chilli Hills

We present to you an explosive fermented hot sauce with 30% Carolina Reaper, enhanced with aromatic rum and sweet peach.

A flavorful journey that starts with soft, fruity notes of peach and the rich aroma of rum. But in an instant, the fiery power of the Reaper arrives.

A true masterpiece, designed for seekers of intense heat!

In addition to Carolina Reaper Rum & Peach hot sauce, check out our other chilli offerings here.


Chilli Hills started in early 2014 and has since operated as a chilli pepper farm, growing rare varieties of chilli peppers from around the world. Just a few hours after harvesting, they are processed and preserved as hot sauces, pastes, marinades, and more.

Chilli Hills’ main goal is to contribute to the development of hot culture in Bulgaria while also providing a quality local hot product to the global spicy market.

Weight: 0.1 kg

Free delivery to Econt Office for all orders over 75lv.


Order by phone

(mon – fri 09:00-17:00)

+359 896718277

Carolina Reaper

1 500 000 - 2 200 000 scovilles.

Хранителни стойности

Хранителна стойност в 100ml

Енергийност/Calories, kJ/kcal – 333,20/75,95
Мазнини/Fat, g – < 0,10g, наситени мастни киселини, g – < 0,10
Въглехидрати, g – 16,15, от които захари, g – 7,33
Белтъчини, g – 1,11, Сол, g – 2,32


ферментирали люти чушки Каролина Рийпър (30%) и Хабанеро, бял винен оцет, праскови (20%), вода, лук, Ром (5%), кафява захар, сол

Произведено от

Чили Хилс Фудс ООД
Chilli Hills Foods OOD, Sofia, Bulgaria
+359 878 291 211


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