Did you know that when you eat spicy food, your body releases the happy hormone? This is due to the capsaicin. Are you curious? Read more below.
What is capsaicin and how is it formed?
Capsaicin is a chemical compound that is responsible for the hot sensation in chili peppers. It is synthesized by the plant as a defense mechanism.
How does capsaicin work and whydoes spiciness feel like a pain?
When we consume spicy food, our taste receptors send a pain signal to the brain, which then releases endorphins to alleviate the pain. This happiness hormone leads to euphoria, altering our perception of everything around us. We start sweating, our internal temperature rises, reality distorts, and time seems to slow down. The sensation is similar to taking a drug but is entirely harmless. Once the endorphin rush subsides, we crave more and more. Spiciness becomes addictive. It opens our receptors to such an extent that it amplifies the flavors of the consumed food by several times, making even the most mundane meal turn into an explosive masterpiece. Add some of ours hot sauces to your menu and you’ll be singing with happiness.
Where is capsaicin found in chili peppers?

The capsaicin glands are positioned between the placenta and the seeds. If you want to lessen the heat of a hot pepper, this is the part that you will want to remove. Because of this, many of the world’s hottest chilies have considerably more placenta when compared to other hot peppers.