Fajita recipe from Chilli Hills
The Fajita spice is typical representative of the “Tex Mex” cuisine and consists of fresh spicy blend. It not only adds an unique exotic taste to meats and vegetables, but is also easy to make and provides the necessary dose of hotness to the senses.
The Fajita is one of our favourite dishes in our farm and it`s perfect food for garden parties and sharing with friends. Here is our version of this tasty meal.
Ingredients for 4 portions Fajita:
2 pieces of chicken breasts
2 bell peppers
2 green peppers
1 onion
2 chilli peppers optional
fresh cilantro and lime
100 ml oil or olive oil
1 tea cup of sour cream
4 pieces corn tortillas
1 tea cup of home made salsa
- Cut the chicken breasts into medium thick slices and put them in a bowl. Add the half of the oil and sprinkle with Chilli Hills Fajita Mix. Mix it well and leave it in a fridge for 15 minutes.
- Cut into stripes the green, red and chilli peppers, the onion like half-moon.
- Heat the rest of the oil in a saucepan.
- Add the chicken breasts and cook on high temperature until golden color.
- Add the vegetables and periodically stir until slightly golden color.
For serving:
On a kitchen board place the pre-heated in an oven tortilla and spread a rich dose of meat and vegetables on it (do not put too much of it so you can wrap tortilla easier later).
On the length put the Chilli Hills Homemade Salsa (or homemade one). Also add the sour cream, the juice of quarter of lime, sprinkle with chopped fresh cilantro.
Wrap tortilla and we are ready.